Airport History

In perspective:

  • Further development of the airport complex


    Further development of the airport complex

    The RAMPORT AERO, OJSC will continue the further development of the airport complex. By 2020, the terminal capacity will reach – 12 million passengers per year. A hotel, shopping and office centers, etc. will appear on the territory of the passenger terminal complex.

    n the fall of 2016, the Russian Railways, OJSC (RZhD, OJSC) completed the construction of the platform for arrivals of suburban luxurious trains of Sputnik type, which allows reducing the travel time from the Kazansky railway station to the Otdykh station and then by the shuttle bus to the airport from 1 hour and 15 minutes to 55 minutes. Reconstruction of M-5 “Ural” Automobile Road in the area bypassing Oktyabrsky Village will reduce the travel time from the capital to the airport from 45-80 minutes to 23-40 minutes depending on traffic conditions.


  • Order on opening of Zhukovsky airport signed

    March 2016

    Order on opening of Zhukovsky airport signed

    The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev signed a Decree on opening the Ramenskoye Airport for international flights and establishing the air cargo and passenger permanent multilateral Border Inspection Post of the Russian Federation therein.

  • Opening of the International Airport in Zhukovsky

    May 30, 2016

    Opening of the International Airport in Zhukovsky

    On May 30, 2016, after only 13 months from the project performance has started, the grand opening of the International Airport in Zhukovsky took place with the participation of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, Heads of Ministries and Agencies, Airlines, Corporations and the Media.

    At the Airport inauguration, the RAMPORT AERO, OJSC entered into an agreement on incorporation of a joint venture for the construction and management of the cargo terminal, as well as cooperation agreements on airport and airdrome services with the Skat, Kazakhstan Airlines, the Air Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Airlines and two cargo airlines - the Aviastar-TU and the Sky Gates Airlines.

Prerequisites for creation:

  • A decision has been made to establish an airport in the urban district of Zhukovsky

    2008 г.

    A decision has been made to establish an airport in the urban district of Zhukovsky

    In 2008, as part of strategic objectives set forth in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On National Aircraft Engineering Center”, it was decided to establish an airport in the Zhukovsky Urban District that presupposed a synergy of civil, state and experimental aviation.

    Development of the International Airport in Zhukovsky initially involves obtaining a source of additional income from the airdrome operations for the Gromov Flight Research Institute, OJSC (Gromov LII, OJSC), which provides an opportunity to reduce the cost of flight hour for test flights and contributes to the development of experimental aviation, and also has a great impact on the region development, forms a center of business and investment activities, creates new jobs.

  • An open competition has been announced

    2013 г.

    An open competition has been announced

    In accordance with the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant Ministries, Agencies and Organizations, a range of priority measures has been determined, appropriate instructions were issued, and in 2013, the Transport and Exhibition Complex, OJSC (TVK, OJSC) (the Rostekh, State Corporation) announced an open tender for the right to enter into an investment agreement on the project performance, won by the Avia Solutions Group, International Aviation Holding Company.

  • The agreement has been signed

    2014 г.

    The agreement has been signed

    In 2014, in order to create and develop the international airport on the Ramenskoye Airdrome territory, an agreement was signed between the companies on incorporation of a joint enterprise – RAMPORT AERO, OJSC.

  • Start of construction

    2015 г.

    Start of construction

    In early 2015, the RAMPORT AERO, OJSC set up construction of the first passenger terminal, at the same time the processes for establishment of all necessary services and obtaining the appropriate permit documentation have been started.

Транспортная доступность сегодня

За 1 час 15 минут общего времени пассажиры могут добраться из Москвы до Жуковского, как на машине (такси), так и на электропоездах, следующих от Казанского вокзала до ж/д станции «Отдых», где для них предусмотрены регулярные автобусные рейсы к терминалу. Или за 40-45 мин от станции метро «Котельники» - на «безостановочных» шаттлах-автобусах.

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